Friday, 27 September 2013

Medical History

Ok so after sifting through all the sleeping pills, antibiotics, anti-bacterials, antihistamines, anti-inflammatorys and anti-depressants, I finally managed to get my list of previous topical steroid use together.

2000 (14)
This is when I remember first getting eczema to my left eyelid.
Started carrying moisturiser in my bag to keep it soft.

Oldest first...

2002 (16) October
                - Locoid Lipocream 0.1% (Hydrocortisone Butyrate) 100g (Moderate/Potent - Group 4)

2003 (17) August
                - Fucicort cream 0.1% (Betamethasone Valerate) 15g (Potent - Group 3)

                - Fucicort cream 0.1% (Betamethasone Valerate) 15g (Potent - Group 3)
                - Prednisone Tablets (4 day course)

2003 was 7th Form year at school. My whole face was covered in dry scaly skin.

2004 (18) March
                - Dermol Ointment 0.05% (Clobetasol Propionate) 30g (Very Potent - Group 1)

Worked part time this year after finishing school. 

2005 (19) March
                - Fucicort cream 0.1% (Betamethasone Valerate) 15g (Potent - Group 3)
                - Beta 0.1% Cream (Hydrocortisone Butyrate) 100g (Moderate/Potent - Group 4)
                - Prednisone Tablets (4 day course)
                - Hydrocortisone 5% cream (prescribed for face)

Moved away from home to study. 

2006 (20) December
                - Elidel (prescribed for face to replace Hydrocortisone 5% cream)
                - Locoid Lipocream 0.1% (Hydrocortisone Butyrate) 100g (Moderate/Potent - Group 4)
                - Prednisone Tablets (4 day course)
                - Hydrocortisone 5% cream (prescribed for face)

Moved to Auckland NZ (closer to home). Skin was terrible this year. 
Possibly stress related as hated job. Was also showing signs of withdrawals.
Skin flaking off every day from whole body.

2007 (21) April
                - Elidel (prescribed for face to replace Hydrocortisone 5% cream)

                - Dermol  Ointment 0.05% (Clobetasol Propionate) 30g (Very Potent - Group 1)

                - Dermol  Ointment 0.05% (Clobetasol Propionate) 30g (Very Potent - Group 1)

                - Elidel

Lived with a friend this year and went back to Uni to study Graphic Design.
Skin was as good as I can remember this year. Met my partner this year.

2008 (22) March
                - Elidel

                - Dermol  Ointment 0.05% (Clobetasol Propionate) 30g (Very Potent - Group 1)

                - Elidel

                - Dermol  Ointment 0.05% (Clobetasol Propionate) 30g (Very Potent - Group 1)
                - Elidel

Moved back home after finishing study. Got full time job as Graphic Designer
Skin back to same old. Good in summer, not so good in winter.

2009 (23) April
                - Dermol  Ointment 0.05% (Clobetasol Propionate) 30g (Very Potent - Group 1)

                - Dermol  Ointment 0.05% (Clobetasol Propionate) 30g (Very Potent - Group 1)
                - Elidel

                - Dermol  Ointment 0.05% (Clobetasol Propionate) 30g (Very Potent - Group 1)

                - Dp Hc Lotion 1% (Mild - Group 7)

Skin was bloody terrible this winter. Definitely going through withdrawals.
Had insomnia, oozing to dry scaly skin, many days off work from being so itchy.
Was itching like crazy all through summer as well which is unusual for me.
Brought our first house in September

2010 (24) January
                - Dp Hc Lotion 1% (Mild - Group 7)

                - Elidel

Still suffering insomnia at beginning of year. Skin started improving though.
This year I also started using a soft comb to scratch. I found this would 
get rid of the itch without causing the itch scratch cycle

2011 (25) March
                - Elidel


                - Elocon Ointment 1% 45g (Potent - Group 3)

Went to Europe for month and a half in Aug/Sep. 
Stopped itching/scratching altogether for about 2 months after

2012 (26) March
                - Elidel

                - Elocon Ointment 1% 45g (Potent - Group 3)

Fiji trip in Jan, moved to Perth in April. Skin was amazing all year.
Started doing regular exercise and eating healthy.

2013 (27) January
                - Elidel
                - Mometasone Furoate Cream (Elocon) 45g (Moderate/Potent - Group 4)

Skin still good this year although seems to possibly have gone down-hill slightly...
Possibly because I've been paying it a lot more attention since I found out about TSA

Ok.... so after all that, it seems as though I have cut down on my steroid usage slightly over the last couple of years which is probably a good thing, it scares me quite a bit that I have been using Elidel on my face almost daily for the last 7 years. 

I do also vividly remember having withdrawal symptoms such as intense itching, oozing, insomnia, dry, red, scaling skin that would wash off daily in the shower... gross... so I know what I have instore for me next time round. At least this time I have knowledge and research on my side. Also the fact that I'm going to take 6 months off work will probably be a good thing as it seems from what I can remember that my skin was always in a bit better shape when I was working part time or studying.

After all that I'm tired... time for bed...

Saturday, 21 September 2013

My first post

This blog is going to mainly be for me to refer back to when its all over I suppose, to keep me occupied when I need something to occupy me, to record my progress, for random notes and positive thoughts and for anyone else out there who may find something useful on here.

I first realised that I might be addicted to topical steroids about 2 months or so ago. I have been using Elidel on my face every day for as long as I can remember and I decided that 'Hay! Surly I wont need to use this stuff anymore.. my skins going really well' I just started thinking that it was getting a bit pointless using it every day.

So I stopped... 7 days later my face was the size of a soccer ball and I had to use a small dose of Elecon cream twice to settle it down. I then thought to myself 'why the hell did that happen!!?' I hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. I then googled topical steroid addiction. I found various blogs on the topic and realised that yup, this was probably me.

I know I mentioned earlier that I figured this out 2 months ago... so some might say... why didnt you just stop then and get on with it. For those that know me, I don't handle my skin problems well. If i get itchy I turn into a crazy stressed out tearful person that nobody really wants to be around.

So even this discovery freaked me out to the max and I've had a couple of breakdowns just thinking about what I might have to face, it has also made me a lot more aware of how much steroids I'm applying and how often, which is probably a good thing. I'm the type of person who has to be super organised to make to best of every experience and I know from what I have read from others blogs who are in the middle of TSW that its not fun... its been described by many as the worst experience/challenge that they have ever experienced.  So I just want to prepare myself as best I can mentally, physically and financially. So right now I am saving up to take 6 months off work next year to go through the worst part of the withdrawal with as little pressure and stress on me as possible.

Its coming into the summer months in Perth soon and I know for a fact that I use far less steroids in the summer. So although I am prolonging the inevitable and most people would say theres no better time than the present, I just don't feel ready yet to live my life in the bath tub.

I just got my medical records in the post the other day because although it wont change anything now, I'm super interested to know exactly how much TS I have used and for how long.

I will go over my records with a fine tooth comb and report back, but for now.....